The Call

Hi! Glad you are here! My name is Kori and yes I am single. :) I'm in healthcare, and have re-found my love for my job. In the last  2 years God totally shifted my heart. I have been "Christian" my whole life. But not until REALLY dying to my ultimate dreams of husband and kids, did I find the life of TRUE LOVE and peace in my heart that goes beyond anything or anyone on this planet.

Now don't get me wrong, desiring those things are not bad, but I was obsessed and it was my idol. I still want to get married and have a family, but I needed to let go of it and let God have it.  I needed to realize that even if I didn't get my dream, my life is not meaningless and God has so much more for me.

My life is by no means perfect in fact it has gotten a little more challenging in some ways.  I still struggle with my singleness sometimes, feel left out, and get lonely, but God has started moving in my heart and showing me new and amazing things that I can't help but share. God called me to share this love and hope I have found.

I hope in some way, you find this blog helpful and see how God can move in your life, like He is moving in mine.  I want others especially single women to know the peace, love, and joy God gives. God's purpose and desire for us is so much more than what the world tells us it should be.

I hope you find encouragement, solace, laughter, and and new hope through these posts.  May you find this amazing lover of your soul, Jesus.

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