Thursday, October 23, 2014

Bird House & A Plan


What do you do when your week doesn't look like its going to work out like you planned?  Do you panic? Do you get depressed and feel defeated? Do you make a bunch of calls or talk to bunch of people to try and turn the things back around to what  you think it should be?

I'm going to be completely honest..... that is usually exactly what I do most times probably in that order :)

I'm a melancholy perfectionist with at touch of OCD and ADD and probably a few other conditions thrown in there I don't know about yet. :) hehe

I can be a crazy control freak sometimes.  Lets face it a lot of us can be sometimes, when we feel like life is spinning out in a direction we did not plan.  As women, we get good at multi-tasking and predicting cause and effect to work the situation to our benefit.

This week has not turned out at all the way I planned. I am doing contract work now. So I am the person that goes all over the city to work wherever I'm needed.  This means that sometimes places don't need help and I don't have work.  Now this next to never happens, because my job is pretty high demand.  However,  this week my work schedule totally tanked. At the beginning of the week I had no jobs and I had only gotten a few hours here and there so far.

On Monday I was like "Well, maybe its a fluke day".  By the end of the day and no news from my staffing manager, I was starting to feel the panic set in. By Tuesday morning I was starting to sweat....... Then it dawned on me...... God has got my back.  This is what I'm saying all the time.

I realized there is no way I can control this situation and God may have other plans for me this week than the regular work schedule plan I'm used to. So I decided to let go and enjoy the free time I was given this week and trust that God will work things out.  By Tuesday evening my staffing manager emailed me that November is nearly full for work for me again.

So yesterday I only had 4 hour job in the morning and had the afternoon free.  Gorgeous day in low 70's the trees are turning colors, just awesome!  I get home and start cleaning out my garage, listening to some great music getting things done.  By 3:30pm my nephew comes by and wants to hang out with me as I'm cleaning up and by 4:30pm the neighbor kid comes over and we are in full woodworking swing, the three of us.

I had found in my garage a woodworking kit for kids, that I had bought 3 years ago, for building a bird house.  by 5:30pm the boys 7 & 9 had successfully made the bird house and were beaming, super proud.  What a joy!

The real thing I realized is that if I had been working, I would have missed the whole thing.  Also, I am beginning to see the neighbor boy underneath his shy exterior longs to be noticed and longs for someone to spend time with him.  His folks are split and busy, so he gets shuffled around sometimes and not as much quality time.

As I step back and look at God's plan for my week.  I am dumbfounded and totally humbled at Gods perfect plan this week.  If I had let the panic set in and worked myself into a frenzy, I would have missed out on such a beautiful thing of hanging out with these boys.  I would have missed out on how God is trying to show His love and reach into the lives of my nephew and his friend.

I know it may sound silly, but as I type this blog, tears run down my face at just the wonderful and perfect love of our God.  I so wish that I could impress on everyone's heart that reads this how truly awesome and loving our God is.
  • Isaiah 28:29 -  "All this also comes from the Lord Almighty,
    whose plan is wonderful,
    whose wisdom is magnificent" NIV
So Wonderful & Magnificent Is HE!

Be blessed today and let God be the director of your plans.  It may look like the day or week is falling apart, but don't panic, trust God,  you never know what amazing jewels you will find.  God's plan is Always better than ours.   :)

Monday, October 20, 2014

More Than Enough

So I know I don't talk a ton about being single. Mainly because God fills my life with so many other things worthy of mentioning over the single life.  When it boils down to it my fight with God over being single is what, bent my knee to finally totally surrender to our loving God.  Since then, I started asking myself  "If I don't get married and have kids, what legacy do I leave?"  "What is my life worth on this planet?"

My mission/purpose without God was do what the world is doing.  Get a good job, a husband, and make a family.  Now these are not bad things, but when achieving these things above all else including God, they become idols.  They become life sucking obsessions that drive a person to do unhealthy crazy things, rather than life giving beautiful things.

I never could wrap my mind around God being enough for me until I hit rock bottom in my obsessions over this.
It doesn't change my desire for these things, but changes my perspective on the purpose for my life.  Letting go of these things and giving them to God, made space for God to come in and be enough for me.  My plan and tight grip was killing me from the inside out. God's plan and my open hand brings me joy and peace beyond what I could ever understand or dream of before.

After I surrendered, my focus has turned to God and being fruitful in Him. Showing others the love of God.  I have been reading again this week John 15-16. Jesus lays out so beautifully how to abide and surrender to Him. How we are called to be fruitful by letting Him work in our lives, and how this will bring joy & power in His name.  He doesn't mince words though and is clear that trouble doesn't go away, but that we can have peace in trouble because He has overcome the world.
  • John 15:16-17 - " You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit —fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. This is my command:Love each other." NIV
  • John 16:33 - "“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world" NIV
I love these verses! These verses tell me, don't believe what you see.  Know that Jesus has overcome everything we face so we can have peace in our trials of life.  This gives me purpose beyond my own my own life and and my desires.   To have the courage to love and bear fruit with Gods strength!  

By no means am I perfect in loving others.  My sinful nature still gets in the way sometimes.  But I'm getting better because of God's work, and my heart is filled more with joy over God's love.  He is becoming more than enough.  I am getting to see how He works to make my life fruitful when I keep my eyes on Him and let Him work in my life.

I know for some of you this may seem cliche' or hard to grasp.  You may feel like you are terrified of letting go of your dreams in your life for fear you will be left with nothing.  I know your pain and frustration and remember how acutely painful it was and sometimes still is to see your friends all get your dream.  It may seem impossible for you to be happy without it and darkness may seem to be your constant friend.  I am over the hill telling you, Jesus IS enough! I know it to be true! Let Go and see what love He pours out on your heart! 

There may still be husband and kids in the mix for me & even for you, but even if not God IS enough!  And the joy in abiding in Him and watching how He works in our lives to bear fruit is beyond anything we can imagine or dream ourselves! 

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Fighting for you!

What is your view of God?   How do you see Him? Is He more like a friend, or a father, a judge and jury? Do you see Him as distant, or personal?

Yesterday in my church group, we talked about God and the Israelites around Samuel's time.  The discussion was on when the Philistines took the Ark of the Covenant in battle against the Israelites.

Long story short, the Philistines took it and their god fell forward and broke off it's head and hands. Then they got tumors and some died.  They sent the Ark back to Israelites and some of them died because they looked into the Ark.  Which the Israelites knew was against God's commands.

The discussion turned to how God had withdrawn Himself from the Isrealites because they had turned away from Him and were not following God's law and commands. Also, how he killed off the people who looked in the Ark and some of the Philistines. Then the question came up "If God is a loving God and He wants people to be saved why would He do this?"  So it brought into question God's character.

I think as Christians we always fight with this in our head about God.  We want to believe He is loving and kind all the time and never harsh or punishing.  When we consider this story in the Bible, the waters get a little mucky and we don't want think about this side of God. We want Him to stay this sweet loving benevolent father, that never gets mad.

One of the guys in class said "Compare this story to being a parent, and your kid is walking toward a cliff." "What would do?"  These questions started a barrage of comments.  Listening to all this discussion, something just clicked in my head.

It is true, even with my niece and nephew if they are about to do something that is dangerous and they aren't listening, sometimes I raise my voice, or pick them up and remove them from the danger, or remove the thing that they want to get them to listen.  They view me as mean and harsh, but I know that I am doing something to protect them and help them so they don't hurt themselves or others.  What am I doing? I am fighting for them because I love them and I want them to have a good and safe life.

This thought just hit me.  God was fighting for the hearts of His people.  They were not walking but running full throttle into sinful behaviors that were eroding away at their lives. God tried over and over to get their attention but instead they were blinded and only focused on what they wanted at the moment.  God had to get their attention to wake them up to see how destructive they were becoming.  To both them and the Philistines it seemed harsh and mean.  But It was God Fighting for them out of His totally unfailing love for His kids!

The old testament stories sometimes are hard for me to swallow because it seems so ruthless sometimes.  But this helped me see how God has not changed. He is still a God of love.  It makes me see that even when it looks like He is Harsh and uncaring because things aren't going the way I want, that this may be ways that God is trying to fight for me and get my attention to turn my heart to Him.  That He will do everything He can to help me turn from things that destroy me and will in time take me down, even if harsh.  Not because He doesn't love me,  but BECAUSE He loves me!

Just makes me love Him so much more to know He cares that much!  God fights for you too!  Maybe the rough time or the thing you want is not working out, is the very thing God is using to say "Hey you are running toward the cliff! Turn around, Turn to me!"

Isn't it awesome how much God loves us! He will fight to the death to save us!  Guess What? He did that too! There is no end to how much He loves us! Such a good thing to remember when we are going through things that are rough and seem harsh.  He is fighting for you, because He loves you That Much!

Friday, October 10, 2014

Another Jewel from Job

I usually think of the statement "My Redeemer Lives" as one from the New Testament.  Found this beautiful jewel from Job as well.

Job: 19:25-27

"I know that my redeemer lives,
and that in the end he will stand on the earth.
 And after my skin has been destroyed,
yet in my flesh I will see God;
 I myself will see him
with my own eyes —I, and not another.
How my heart yearns within me" NIV

Job's faith blows my mind.  May this bless you as it  does me this day.  Know, Your Redeemer Lives! Amen!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Yet I will hope

This morning I'm reading Job.  I used to get so angry at the story of Job because it seemed so unfair.  A man that lived his life for God and looked out for his family.  How could God let Satan nearly destroy his whole life, kill off his family, and nearly kill him? And then when Job finally gets to talk and question God at the end of the book, God's answer is "Don't you know who I am, and who are you to question me?" At least it always felt that way. 

This is the second time I am reading through the Bible in the last year and I am noticing some beautiful verses of Job that show his ultimate trust in his God and friend. Yes he cries out over and over in his anguish and begs God to curse the day of his birth etc.  He has real honest questions as any of us would in his shoes, but there are some truly amazing statements of faith and trust that surprise me in the midst of all this pain.  This is one of them.
  • Job 16:19-21: "Even now my witness is in heaven;
    my advocate is on high.
     My intercessor is my friend
    as my eyes pour out tears to God;
     on behalf of a man he pleads with God
    as one pleads for a friend." NIV
Wow! Isn't that amazing! Even in his horrible pain and suffering Job knows that he has an intercessor that pleads for him as one that pleads for a friend.  Even then Job was so close to God that He trusted and knew that Holy Spirit would intercede for him.  It say's advocate on high I wonder if this eludes to even Jesus.

The new testament supports intercession by the Holy Spirit and and we know Jesus intercedes for us.  Here is a verse from new testament I just love.
  • Romans 8:26-27:  "In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God." NIV
It is such comfort to me when I feel like I don't even know what to pray for I'm so distraught.  Job knew this too with his connection with God.

The one verse that just blows me away and shows Job's total and complete trust in God is this one .
  • Job 13:15: "Though he slay me, yet will I hope in him;
    I will surely defend my ways to his face." NIV
Can you imagine!  The kind of faith in a God that you know is allowing all these horrible things to happen to you?  Job doesn't just lay down and not express himself to God and just except his fate without question, but in all this even in his questions and frustration he still trusts.  Can you wrap your mind around what kind of relationship he had to have with God in order to say "Though he slay me, yet I will hope in him"?

I think it is such an amazing testament to Job's relationship to God.  One, that he can feel totally comfortable being honest to God how he feels, and two, that in all of that he still trusts God to death even if God Himself kills him!

It sounds awful at first, but if you really think about it, isn't that amazing and awesome that Job trusted God that much!  Doesn't that testify to how good God really is?  Job knows that when it comes down to it, God is a good and loving God. Even trusting that sometimes death may be a mercy in some circumstances, which is sometimes hard to imagine.

It encourages me in my roughest times to remember our God is Good and we cannot see the big picture.  We think we know what is best, but honestly every day our vision is warped and darkened.  This is why only complete trust and surrender to God is our hope and strength. Only God sees the full picture and knows what is best for us.

So when things are looking bad and you think you can't go on, remember God is looking out for your best even if it looks like its the worst.  Remember if Job could trust God that much we can too! Yet I will hope! How about you?


Sunday, October 5, 2014

I Am With You

I Just started reading this book this morning called 
Love Does by Bob Goff
The first chapter already has me tearing up.  The chapter is called I'm with you.  It is a story about when He was a teenager and he wasn't quite done with high school he wanted to go to Yosemite and be a rock climber.  There was a a guy that didn't go to his high school but would come by and hang out at the school and try to talk with him about Jesus.  After a while they became friends. 

Well Bob, the author, decided he was going to cut school and drive to Yosemite and he went to say goodbye to his friend, his friend thought for a few mins and invited himself to go with him saying "Bob, I'm with you".  No chastisement or "what are you doing?" Just "I'm with you"  

So they head out to Yosemite in VW and Bob tries to find a job and can't find anything and is running out of money. So he decides after 2 days of not finding anything and only enough money to get home, he would head back.  Again his friend just said to him "I'm with you" 

When they get back and Bob goes to drop his friend off at his house they go into the house and Bob sees there are wedding gifts half opened, and realizes that his friend had just gotten married to his girlfriend and sacrificed part of his honeymoon to go with him to Yosemite to make sure he was safe and ok. 

I was so moved by this story.  We are told all the time God is with us over and over.  But there is a big difference between just some higher being that looks down us and says "I'm with you" and watches over us, from a true friend that looks us in the eye that packs their bags and says "I'm with you".

My family moved around a lot when I was a kid because my dad was in the air-force.   It kind of made it hard for me to make friends. That may sound a little crazy, because you might think that would make me be good at making friends.  But being an introvert, you kind of get more and more shy of making friends because you know you will soon have to say goodbye and move.  

I think it was almost after I started my first job out of college that I met a friend that really was truly "with me" for the long haul.  I am so grateful every day for her she is my dearest Sister.  

  • Matt 1:22-23 Says:  "All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: “The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us)”NIV
 God didn't just stay in heaven, He came down to earth and was born as a human being to BE WITH US!  :)  Isn't that Cool!

God is totally the guy that packs his bags or the sister that packs her purse :)  and says "I'm with you!" "For the long haul, whatever it takes"  Even if He knows we are bent on heading into the fray without a single lick of sense or preparation.  "I am with you"  "I am your confidant, comrade, your bestie, your BFF"  "I got your back"  

Great reminder that God is always closer than we think in a so much more personal way than we give Him credit for.  How has God told you lately that He is with you? Remember this week, He is more than just with you..... He is All In, packed His bags,  WITH YOU AlWAYS! AMEN!