Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Kindness Multiplied!

Today I was listening to the radio and they were talking about people paying for the person behind them in line at the drive thru.  I thought that was such a awesome way of doing an act of kindness.  The person in the restaurant manning the drive thru, had called in and said that from that one act of kindness 7 other people behind them did the same thing for the people behind them in line.

As a Christian sometimes I find it hard to imagine that one small act of kindness does anything past a moment.  There are times where, I hold a door open for someone, give a smile, leave a quarter in the cart at Aldi rather than reclaiming it, or stay late and see a patient for someone else.   But some days I wonder if any of those things really make any long lasting dent in our hard human hearts.

Listening to that story on the radio made me realize that all these acts of kindness do make an impact.  It may not be a miraculous lightning bolt from the sky, but it does make an impact and can multiply!

It makes reflect on times when the smallest thing lifted me up. Some days when I was down and having a bad day even the smallest kind gesture from another person lifted me up.  Over time, all those little things add up and helped me see God through the tough times and they still do today. Usually I am able to then give better to someone else that day or return the favor for someone else. I forget sometimes. And the devil is happy to try and help me get distracted and forget.

But today was a very good reminder. Here are some verses that are good reminders of kindness.
  • Proverbs 12:25: " Anxiety weighs down the heart,
    but a kind word cheers it up" NIV
  • Proverbs 14:31: "...but whoever is kind to the needy honors God." NIV
  • Proverbs 19:16: "Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done." NIV 
So when you are waiting in line at the register in Walmart and you let a frantic mom and her kids cut in front of you in line, or wave at the neighbor, or encourage a co-worker, you DO make an impact! You may not know the full outcome, but it does make a difference.  I bet the first person, that paid for the order of the car behind him in the drive thru, had no idea after he drove off that his gift of love multiplied by 7 that day.  And how many people after hearing that story on the radio will try it one day and show the same love to others multiplying it even more.  I don't know about you but I'm going to try it :) So you can at least say multiplied by 8 :)

What acts of kindness have inspired or lifted you up?  Remember even if you don't see it, every act of kindness multiplies, and shows the love of God to others! 

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Silent No More! Soar, Run, Walk!

Yesterday I went to a baptism. So beautiful! The day was really hot and humid, but somehow I didn't care.  Normally our church does baptisms in a baptistry in the front of the church in between pieces of the program.  Today was different.  Today we got to go to a small lake and see a young teenager give his heart to God through baptism.

Not that I need to be baptized again, but if I did I would do it just like this.  More authentic and more of a celebration of the most important decision of a person's life. We celebrate weddings, graduations, and even sporting events with more joy and enthusiasm than we do this life altering pivotal decision.

There was a nice group of people that came from the church as well.  This is pretty good, because I think sometimes it is easy to get stuck in routine, and harder to step out of our comfort zones especially on such a hot and humid day.  It allows people to connect on a different level and brings new life and connections, that formal church can stifle.

I was really encouraged by this young man's testimony. He didn't speak long, but he spoke from his heart and about his friend Jesus.  How Jesus had spoken to his heart.  He quoted a Bible verse in Isaiah.
  • Isaiah 40:31:  " but those who hope in the Lord
    will renew their strength.
    They will soar on wings like eagles;
    they will run and not grow weary,
    they will walk and not be faint." NIV
He said that this verse always gives him courage and strengthens his faith to know that God is with him and will help him soar over life's problems to share Jesus with others.  Such a beautiful encouraging message!  Such a wonderful verse!

We need these reminders from each other as Christians that God is working in each other's hearts.  If we don't share what God is doing in our lives then we have a tendency to believe, when we are feeling down, that God is not there or is indifferent to our struggles.  But when others share, we are reminded about our powerful and loving God and our Faith and courage is renewed and our hearts are comforted.

We remember who God really is and What He is really capable of!

I am being more and more convicted of this in my own life and what today's Christians need to remember.

Who do you Really believe God Is?  And what do you Really believe He is capable of?  If you have a story to share. Share It! God will multiply blessing from it beyond what you know and you will encourage others!

If you struggle to answer these questions, take time to remember what God has done in your life.  You might even write them down. Talk to another Christian friend and ask them to share their stories about how God has worked in their life.  You will find strength and comfort.

Encourage each other!  God strengthens us as a body of believers when we share, and helps us, Like this Verse:
 Soar on the wings of eagle's, (over problems of life)
 Run and not grow weary, (even when times are tough)
 Walk and not be faint  (Hold onto Faith when its dark)

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

God is God, Let God be God

This was an inspiring quote this week for me from the book Restless by Jennie Allen, I thought I'd share.

"Faith is the measure to which we believe God is God.  And Faith is the measure to which we let God be God." pg. 202

This week I have been thinking about why today as Christians in America we struggle to really live out our faith and make a real impact.  I'm sure many of you could list off a few things that could definitely ring true. 

In this last year 1/2 + my heart has been set on going beyond just a passive spectator "good person" that never causes any ruffles.  My prayer has been, "Lord, I want to be fruitful" "I want my Christian life to bear fruit"

Doesn't it have everything to do with who we really believe God is and how much we surrender to Him and let Him be who He is in our lives?

Something to really think about.  Are we as Christians here in American and 1st world countries going to sit back and relax in the comforts we have and get lulled to sleep with endless distraction?  Have we really forgotten Who God really is?  How powerful He is? And what miracles He can work if we just let go of our egos, selfishness, and let Him do what He does best in our hearts?

Wouldn't our churches be different? Wouldn't our communities be different? Wouldn't this world be a different place if we did?

What would it take for you to really surrender completely to God and believe He is who He says He is and let Him be Who longs to be in your heart to you and others?  Blessings to each one of you that dares to take a step closer to God this day!

Friday, July 18, 2014

Tail Spin Lifted Heart!

Do you have weeks sometimes where you feel like you are drowning?  Where you feel like you can't get a handle on anything and anxiety or fear tries to take over and loneliness starts seeping in. This is one of those weeks for me.

I have felt like an airplane in a downward spin feeling out of control.  I have been trying to pull up on the controls and break this spin but not having the power or strength to save myself from this nauseating circular ride.

Sometimes all the nitty-bitty things in our lives is what start these spirals.  An irritating co-worker, a mistake on a bill, someone not returning an important phone call,  bad hair day, even wilty lettuce on a salad you bought just slowly eats away at our defenses.

Recently, I prayed God would grow my faith.  And this week, this is a new lesson on how to truly give things up and trust.  Like I've said before, I can be a little of a control freak.  I struggle when things seem out of my control.  Usually it is these tiny little things that can more easily get to me, it starts to make me feel like my world is starting to spiral out of control.

The reality is, it probably isn't as bad as I think, and even if it is, I serve a God that has my back.  This is so hard to remember when everywhere you turn, something else seems to be going wrong.

So by mid week I was feeling like I was in a free fall, no words to say stuck and spinning. Trying to do worship very hard and feeling very disconnected.

I am beginning to realize it is times like these, I have tried to take over my life and fly the plane myself.  I get under the illusion that I have it figured out and pride sets in.  What is that phase they say about pride? :) Something like it comes before a fall?  Hmmm kind of appropriate don't you think? :)

So I abandoned trying to read my Bible one morning and just got real with God.  I told Him all my fears and why I was feeling so out of control.  It was like God said to me, "You have to trust me even in the small things. I will carry you but you have to let me. "   Instantly, I realized that I was not letting God in to comfort me or minister to my heart because I had taken over.  I was trying to work out my "Formula" that I thought was working rather than leaning on God in Everything.

Suddenly, my heart evened out.  My circumstances didn't change, but God just lifted up my heart and started carrying me. What a great comfort! Verses started coming to my head that remind us of Gods promises.
  • Philippians 4:13: I can do all this through him who gives me strength. NIV
  • Romans 8:28: And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.  NIV
This morning the verse of comfort is this one.
  • Numbers 6: 24-26: “The Lord bless you
    and keep you;
     the Lord make his face shine on you
    and be gracious to you;
     the Lord turn his face toward you
    and give you peace.”’ NIV
What a loving comforting God we have!
What are you fighting lately that has got you in a Tail Spin?  Give it to God even if you can't see the answer.  Trust that He will show you the way and take care of things for your good! You will be amazed at how He carries you! 

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Nuggets of Awesomeness! Making Memories!

Ok so I'm a little bummed.... I trained the last 4 weeks for the running part of this triathlon and it got rained out.  I was good too.  I carb loaded last night got up early, ate a light breakfast, had all my racing tattoos on nearly perfectly..... And nothing. LOL :) 

This is what I call making memories :) When things don't turn out the way you want. You have an opportunity to make memories.  I didn't get to run but I spent the morning with some super great people.  3 kids in the back row of a Honda Pilot singing praise songs at the top of their lungs and inviting me to come and eat with them after the race.  Us women in the middle row passing out fruit and mini muffins to the rest of the car, and 2 guys in the front seat keeping eye on the rain and clouds singing harmony.

So after the park ranger car came back and started using loud speaker to tell us the triathlon was cancelled we headed back to the triathlon leaders house. We decided to eat waffles and pancakes and enjoy the company.  I got to play legos with the kids and see their pet snail and dog and laugh together.

It wasn't the morning I planned but it filled my soul!

I was thinking how this happens sometimes in our spiritual lives.  We work and work really hard for a certain program, or leading a small group, or preparing to do service somewhere and things don't turn out the way we planned.  People don't come, or the video doesn't play, or it literally  rains :)  We could start to think its a failure or we can take advantage of the moment and see what other treasures lie in the change. 
  • Proverbs 16:9 says: "In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps." NIV
We may have a plan of how our day needs to work but God determines our steps.

I find if I just give myself over to the change and look for the good and open to God, soon I start to see the nuggets of awesomeness that come out of the change of plans.  Some times the greatest moments are Not the planned ones, but the impromptu ones! :)

So if I boil it all down, did the threat of the impending race get me in better shape? YES!   Has it taught me some good lessons? Of Course! Do I wish I hadn't trained because there was no race. NO WAY!  I'm totally happy, because I achieved what I trained for without even running the race. And I got some awesome family time with a fantastic family from church.  Super Awesome!  Maybe I needed that more than running 4.5 miles today. 

What moments do you remember most in life?  And were some of them due to change in plans or totally impromptu?  Some of the most fun and greatest moments can be hidden in disappointments of plans changing. What plans are changing for you?  How can you give over your perspective and surrender to God's perspective finding the nuggets of goodness and greatness?   Let the stress melt away and let God take over, He always leaves gifts in these precious moments of change.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Praise in the Darkness!

Recently one of my friends made a comment to me that made me think about how I first starting reading the Bible.  The background was I was 11 years old and my mom told me that she and my dad were separating.  I was so torn up by this.  I remember wandering the house so angry that God would let this happen to my family.  I couldn't understand why my parents didn't care about each other.

I needed someone to talk to then and I found a teacher at school that I confided in. She pointed me toward God and reading the Bible for comfort. She told me to start in psalms.

So I started reading in Psalms and almost instantly connected with the words of David.  It was like he was reading my thoughts.  It gave my pain voice.  I was always amazed at how David through all the struggles he went through, still praised God.  He was always honest with God, sometimes brutally honest about his feelings, but in the Psalms he always turns his face toward God at the end and verbalizes his trust.

There are so many great Psalms it is hard to pick favorites, but some of mine are:

Psalms 13

How long, Lord? Will you forget me forever?
How long will you hide your face from me?
 How long must I wrestle with my thoughts
and day after day have sorrow in my heart?
How long will my enemy triumph over me?
Look on me and answer, Lord my God.
Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death,
 and my enemy will say, “I have overcome him,”
and my foes will rejoice when I fall.
But I trust in your unfailing love;
my heart rejoices in your salvation.
 I will sing the Lord ’s praise,
for he has been good to me

Psalms 27:1

The Lord is my light and my salvation —
whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the stronghold of my life—
of whom shall I be afraid?

Psalms 27:13-14

I remain confident of this:
I will see the goodness of the Lord
in the land of the living.
Wait for the Lord;
be strong and take heart
and wait for the Lord

Psalms 34:18

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit

Psalms 42:5

Why, my soul, are you downcast?
Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God,
for I will yet praise him,
my Savior and my God.

Psalms 46:1-3

God is our refuge and strength,
an ever- present help in trouble.
 Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way
and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,
 though its waters roar and foam
and the mountains quake with their surging.

There are so many other great ones. I can't begin to list them all. David understood that in the deepest darkness that God was still Real, Loving, and Present in his life.  He understood the true nature and heart of God even through his tears and pain.   

A sermon lately struck me with the idea of sacrifice of praise.  You don't think of praise as a sacrifice.  But you know, that is exactly what David did throughout his life.  The Bible even has a verse on it. 
  • Hebrew 13:15 : "Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that openly profess his name." NIV
So Faith is trusting when we can't see, Darkness.  And by trusting God we are able to give a sacrifice of praise, Lifting God Up, even in the darkness... even through our tears.  Little  did I know the full concept of this at 11 and 12 when I started reading these verses, but now through this even greater family trial, it holds so much more depth and comfort to me.

So many around me also suffer from darkness in their lives, and I'm sure many of you reading this do as well. But lets lift our eyes and see God's goodness in His word and remember all the times He has lifted us up.  So in our darkness we can keep the faith, find our hope, and give sacrifices of praise to our God of unfailing, everlasting, love.  No darkness lasts forever.  Let God's light and hope pour into your heart through your darkness now.  You'll never regret it.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

DIY? No, Share!

Hope all of you had a wonderful weekend enjoying the freedoms you have been given.  I enjoyed spending time with good friends and a little time with my niece and nephew which is always a blessing.

This weekend I was also reminded how important it is to let God minister to you through others.  I can be a very private person about some things in my life, because I am afraid of criticism or rejection.  Plus being introverted and crazy bent in some ways to do it myself, I have a hard time sometimes letting others in.

My niece right now is in this phase of being 2.  If any mom's are reading you know exactly what I mean :) LOL :) For the rest of you, the terrible 2's is not a wives tale, it really happens :)  Around 2 kids are finding out they are their own person separate from mom and dad.  They are learning and growing and finding they are able to do things on their own.  So my niece's mantra right now is "I do it by myself!" Sometimes in cute little girl voice, or screaming defiantly voice. :)

I laugh, but I also realized that this is not far from what I do with many people and God.  This mentality to do it yourself, seems good, but when boiled down, is only very isolating.

In my small group tonight, the topic was about being a spiritual family and how we need each other.  With my family conflict going on I have been very careful who I talk to about this.  I have opened up to a couple people, and that has helped some, but I realized tonight more that opening up to this small group was important too.

I don't need to tell them the nitty gritty details, but just giving brief description and asking for prayer allows God to minister through his people and fortify his kids, us as believers. So I shared some with them, and someone else in the group was also moved to share their struggle they were having in their family.  I shared God's promise from the Bible about God telling the Israelites to not be afriad, stand firm... He would fight for them, all they needed to do was be still.

You know sharing help me to feel less alone in my struggle and this verse also spoke to this other person as well.  It drew us closer together as a group and God lifted both of us up and encouraged us. As I hugged them goodbye, they quietly said to me "we are going to get our miracle yet"  What comfort!

God provides abundantly!  Sometimes we limit Him because we are too afraid to let Him or anyone else in. Not every situation is a safe place to share with people. I'm not saying you need to yell your troubles on the street corner.  But God does provide people to help us and nudges us to let go and share.  Suddenly, the doors of heaven open and blessing are poured out not only on the one sharing but others.

As Christians we need each other! We are stronger, healthier, and more fortified as believers when we share with each other. The burdens are lifted and we more easily keep our eyes on Jesus together.

So Good lesson for me this weekend is to quit trying to carry loads by myself, and to also share how God encourages me.  Both pack powerful stuff from God!

What pain or struggle do you keep really close to you?  What people has God or is God bringing into your life and nudging you share?  Or Maybe God has moved in your struggle and is encouraging you to share.  You may find that letting go and letting others see you, may open doors to blessings and comfort  from God that you can't even imagine, for you and maybe for someone else too! So share! "We will get our miracle, yet"

Friday, July 4, 2014

My Red Sea, My Mighty God!

Sorry it has been so long since my last post.  This week has been busy. It has also been really emotionally trying for me.

My family situation has gotten worse.  There may be divorce on the table for one side of this drama, and the other side has talked about it.  There are kids involved in this and it is becoming very heart breaking.  My family lives only a few houses down from me and one street over.  This is close and personal and the only close family I have.  I feel helpless to know what to do to help them reconcile.

My heart has been definitely hurting this week for them.  It seems like there is no end to this nightmare and destruction. 

In storms like this, all the things around you are telling you that that this situation is hopeless, God is not there, He doesn't care because things are getting worse, etc.  Sound like someone we know?  The devil right? The more I draw closer to God and find His love and peace in my heart the more the devil hates it.  The more he wants to make me believe everything is hopeless and God isn't who He says He is.  What better way to attack me as a single girl with a small family?

The devil is going for the jugular.  He knows my family is my major love and refuge being a single, especially since we live houses from each other. It is a down right war on the dearest people to me in this world.  Everyone has something or someone they love the most, and he is going to throw up those smoke and mirrors to try and make me believe the worst and give up on God. 

This all started with my heart change with God.  I started praying  for a family member to have the ability to come to a women's retreat.  I prayed for 3 months and they came and were blessed.  That very night after she came home, this fight broke out in my family. 

It was like devil knew I was trying to help my family member see God and he declared war.  Every step I have taken to try and show God's love to them, the heat is dialed up and another thing is added to this mess.  I am getting more and more bold about talking about God to my family and here we go again.  With my human eyes, I only see destruction and a totally impossible situation. 

The disciples with their human eyes could only see the same thing when Jesus was crucified.  They thought the world as they knew it was coming to an end and all was lost.  Honestly,  it feels this way to me with my family. But you know, if I turn my eyes toward God, He helps me remember all the times He has worked miracles in impossible situations throughout history and in my life. 

The disciples were beside themselves with grief over Jesus death.  How does someone come back from the dead?  Not even death can stop our loving God!  And on the 3rd day He rose and made it possible for the world to be saved!  What looked like the end became the greatest story of redemption and love known to man and the universe!

So couple mornings ago my heart is in despair.  I had just the night before learned all this new stuff going on and I felt sick to my stomach.  Through my tears I'm asking God why, why another level of darkness and more destruction.  Like David in the Psalms "How Much Longer God!" 

That morning I was reading the story of Moses and Israelites at the Red Sea.  They had been slaves for 400+ years, afraid of the Egyptians, and rightly so.  They finally get the courage to believe this 80 year old wild man Moses from the sticks to run from Egypt, and now they are boxed in at the Red Sea with the Egyptian army hot on their trail.  I can understand how they began to doubt and feel they were to going to die right there at the Egyptians hand.  Then God speaks up in their fright, through Moses.
  •   Exodus 14:13-14: "Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” NIV
The last part just hit me and comfort and peace poured into my heart.  I got my God goggles on again! My loving God will fight for me and my family!  I need only to be still! What comfort!  God always knows hows to pour out His mercy and love at just the right time.  He is telling me, "Don't worry, I know things look bad, I know your family is hurting and scared, but I AM NOT DONE YET.  I WILL FIGHT FOR YOU!  Be still, I got this!"

This is the love and faith I am talking about!!! This is the Awesome God I serve!  This is the difference between being a Christ follower and being someone that just does good things but doesn't believe in Jesus.  The Christian, has comfort, peace, and hope, Even when things look Horrible!  The person that is just doing good only does it when things are going good and they feel like it.  They are destroyed in spirit when life kicks up and bad things starts happening.  They are swept away by grief and the cares of the world.  The Christian has hope and can stand even in the worst storms! Not on their own, but by the power and love of our Mighty God!

So yesterday when I'm running and I make 2.3 miles straight, I'm singing and praising God in my heart for all the comfort and promise He gives in the storm I'm in, up against my Red Sea.  I still cry over the pain this is causing to the ones I love, but I am not afraid of the outcome.  My God fights, and He has already won! He will not give up on my family! He will fight till every heart has a chance to chose Him and see His love and Glory! 

Don't you want someone to fight for you?  Are you in a huge mess up against your own Red Sea?  Call out to God, Give him your heart, turn over all you cares to him, seek His face!  He WILL FIGHT FOR YOU! You need only to be still and surrender. The war is won! YES, He Loves you that much!