Friday, July 4, 2014

My Red Sea, My Mighty God!

Sorry it has been so long since my last post.  This week has been busy. It has also been really emotionally trying for me.

My family situation has gotten worse.  There may be divorce on the table for one side of this drama, and the other side has talked about it.  There are kids involved in this and it is becoming very heart breaking.  My family lives only a few houses down from me and one street over.  This is close and personal and the only close family I have.  I feel helpless to know what to do to help them reconcile.

My heart has been definitely hurting this week for them.  It seems like there is no end to this nightmare and destruction. 

In storms like this, all the things around you are telling you that that this situation is hopeless, God is not there, He doesn't care because things are getting worse, etc.  Sound like someone we know?  The devil right? The more I draw closer to God and find His love and peace in my heart the more the devil hates it.  The more he wants to make me believe everything is hopeless and God isn't who He says He is.  What better way to attack me as a single girl with a small family?

The devil is going for the jugular.  He knows my family is my major love and refuge being a single, especially since we live houses from each other. It is a down right war on the dearest people to me in this world.  Everyone has something or someone they love the most, and he is going to throw up those smoke and mirrors to try and make me believe the worst and give up on God. 

This all started with my heart change with God.  I started praying  for a family member to have the ability to come to a women's retreat.  I prayed for 3 months and they came and were blessed.  That very night after she came home, this fight broke out in my family. 

It was like devil knew I was trying to help my family member see God and he declared war.  Every step I have taken to try and show God's love to them, the heat is dialed up and another thing is added to this mess.  I am getting more and more bold about talking about God to my family and here we go again.  With my human eyes, I only see destruction and a totally impossible situation. 

The disciples with their human eyes could only see the same thing when Jesus was crucified.  They thought the world as they knew it was coming to an end and all was lost.  Honestly,  it feels this way to me with my family. But you know, if I turn my eyes toward God, He helps me remember all the times He has worked miracles in impossible situations throughout history and in my life. 

The disciples were beside themselves with grief over Jesus death.  How does someone come back from the dead?  Not even death can stop our loving God!  And on the 3rd day He rose and made it possible for the world to be saved!  What looked like the end became the greatest story of redemption and love known to man and the universe!

So couple mornings ago my heart is in despair.  I had just the night before learned all this new stuff going on and I felt sick to my stomach.  Through my tears I'm asking God why, why another level of darkness and more destruction.  Like David in the Psalms "How Much Longer God!" 

That morning I was reading the story of Moses and Israelites at the Red Sea.  They had been slaves for 400+ years, afraid of the Egyptians, and rightly so.  They finally get the courage to believe this 80 year old wild man Moses from the sticks to run from Egypt, and now they are boxed in at the Red Sea with the Egyptian army hot on their trail.  I can understand how they began to doubt and feel they were to going to die right there at the Egyptians hand.  Then God speaks up in their fright, through Moses.
  •   Exodus 14:13-14: "Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” NIV
The last part just hit me and comfort and peace poured into my heart.  I got my God goggles on again! My loving God will fight for me and my family!  I need only to be still! What comfort!  God always knows hows to pour out His mercy and love at just the right time.  He is telling me, "Don't worry, I know things look bad, I know your family is hurting and scared, but I AM NOT DONE YET.  I WILL FIGHT FOR YOU!  Be still, I got this!"

This is the love and faith I am talking about!!! This is the Awesome God I serve!  This is the difference between being a Christ follower and being someone that just does good things but doesn't believe in Jesus.  The Christian, has comfort, peace, and hope, Even when things look Horrible!  The person that is just doing good only does it when things are going good and they feel like it.  They are destroyed in spirit when life kicks up and bad things starts happening.  They are swept away by grief and the cares of the world.  The Christian has hope and can stand even in the worst storms! Not on their own, but by the power and love of our Mighty God!

So yesterday when I'm running and I make 2.3 miles straight, I'm singing and praising God in my heart for all the comfort and promise He gives in the storm I'm in, up against my Red Sea.  I still cry over the pain this is causing to the ones I love, but I am not afraid of the outcome.  My God fights, and He has already won! He will not give up on my family! He will fight till every heart has a chance to chose Him and see His love and Glory! 

Don't you want someone to fight for you?  Are you in a huge mess up against your own Red Sea?  Call out to God, Give him your heart, turn over all you cares to him, seek His face!  He WILL FIGHT FOR YOU! You need only to be still and surrender. The war is won! YES, He Loves you that much!

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