Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Not Be Moved

Psalm 55:22

Cast your burden on the Lord,
and he will sustain you;
 he will never permit
the righteous to be moved. NIV

Whatever you have going on today God's got you covered :)
Give your burdens to Him
Keep your eyes on Him
and He will hold you steady in His Love!

Friday, September 26, 2014

God is Always Working


I'm overwhelmed with joy...... my friend that I have been praying for came by tonight and told me she wants to start going to church regularly and wants to read a Bible!!!!  I should not be surprised but it was like a record just scratched for a second.  :)  As I got whiplash looking back at her. She asked me what part of the Bible she should start reading first. I told her the Gospel's. Then she said she didn't have a Bible.  So I tried not to literally leap into my house to get her one. :) My heart was singing all the way! 

Sometimes as a Christian, I lose sight that there are truly people I know that are hungry for God.  Our 1st world society is so full of so many distractions and luxuries, that I feel it lulls us all to sleep.  I don't give God much credit for doing what He does best, touching peoples hearts with His love!

God Never Stops Working!  Even when things look like they are falling apart He is still working! Such a good reminder for me this week! Never lose faith, God knows what He is doing.  Things done in our time can turn out a mess, things in His time turn out Amazing!  

So my heart is just overflowing and full of joy for the journey my friend is embarking on, because if she wants she Will find Jesus, and He will fill her with the joy, peace, hope, and love that she longs for.  YAY!!!!
  • Psalms 57:9-10:  "I will praise you, Lord, among the nations;
    I will sing of you among the peoples.
     For great is your love, reaching to the heavens;
    your faithfulness reaches to the skies" NIV
 Our God is so faithful! Always working things out for good.

So don't lose hope! God is working even if you can't see the end of the road or even a foot in front of you.  God is working Keep The Faith!  Don't believe what you see, Hold onto what you Know to be true! Jesus Reigns!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Courage From 2 Kings

Good Reminder Today :)

2 Kings 6:16: “Don’t be afraid,” the prophet answered. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them". NIV

God and His angels are bigger & more powerful
than anything you face today!
Take Courage!
Have and Awesome Day!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Wings of a Grateful Heart :)

I was at work yesterday and my co-worker started just talking about God with me.  She is an amazing lady! We got on the topic of gratefulness.  She was saying she had some friends challenge her to do 7 days of thankful/gratefulness on facebook.  She said she thought it was interesting how hard it was a first, but good.

This whole conversation got me thinking about gratefulness in my life.  I look back to even a couple years ago and how different my life was.  And how many things I worried about and stressed over. Even as a kid my mom used to make comments about how I was little miss pessimistic.

Honestly, this world can be more than a little scary and painful.  It gets really hard sometimes to see all the things that God has blessed us with.  And the devil knows right where to try and blind side us so we loose focus on God.  Whether it is through just little things going wrong in the day to big things like family dysfunction or problems at work, it does not take long sometimes for me to feel like I get in a tailspin I can't seem to pull out of.

Back nearly 2 years ago when I totally surrendered to God, I see how my thoughts have started changing. In one of my earliest posts I wrote about God winks, good things that happen in the day, gifts from God. My one friend from work at the time had talked to me about this and given me the book on it.  I started writing down my God winks.  I would write down things like I got a discount on a shirt at target that was unexpected, a co-worker walked by and said I did a good job with a patient, or even that I saw a beautiful flower growing in my yard I hadn't noticed.

Soon these things begin to add up. I started in my prayers in the morning to God with things I was grateful for like my job, house, nice neighbors, beautiful sunrise, even my ornery little cat :)  Looking back I see how focusing on these things have transformed my spirit and my thoughts.  I'm ,more days than not, full of joy and wonder at how blessed I am!  I see more and more God working in my life and the lives of others around me.  The eyes of my heart are becoming more and more trained to find the  blessing and jewels in life instead of all the junk. 

Now, I'm by no means perfect in this. It took me 3+ weeks to get over my  recent vacation blues, and I have had many times over the last couple years where I have been sad because of certain things going on.  The interesting thing is that through those times I have a sense of hope because my heart is trained for gratefulness.
  • Psalms 147: 7-11 : "Sing to the Lord with grateful praise; make music to our God on the harp.
     He covers the sky with clouds;
    he supplies the earth with rain
    and makes grass grow on the hills.
     He provides food for the cattle
    and for the young ravens when they call.
     His pleasure is not in the strength of the horse,
    nor his delight in the legs of the warrior;
     the Lord delights in those who fear him,
    who put their hope in his unfailing love"
 God is SOOOOOO Good and He loves us so much!  Lift your eyes to see all the small and maybe even big things in the day that God gives!  From the roof over your head to the ornery little munchkin or mutt that welcomes you home at night :) Daily gratefulness to God can transform your life from the inside out!

So I love cows. So this was what I was grateful for this weekend. :)
Tiniest little baby cow I had ever seen!  Now how can that not make you smile :)

What things can you be grateful for? Let your spirit soar on the wings of a grateful heart!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

In His Arms

Jesus and the Children

So I found this pic yesterday morning.  So comforting.  And as a kid this was my favorite Bible verse.  I think as a kid I felt that I was to be quite and not bother anyone.  And I loved the verse the first time I heard it, because it made it okay for me to come to Him without restriction.  In my adulthood so many things have caused that feeling of restriction to settle back in and make me feel like God is a million miles away when I feel bad.

My mom and dad never seemed to really understand when I felt bad about something.  Negative emotions were just not acceptable.  Even some of my extended family, most of the time, did not know what to do with a crying kid except punish them or guilt them into quit crying.  This definitely made its mark on me in not the best way.

I have been struggling to get back into a routine since vacation. I feel like a 3rd wheel a lot lately and without family time much, my heart is just hurting.  I'm sad and grieving some losses in my life and that old restriction starts to creep in.  It starts to make me feel like I'm stuck in a cage unable to talk anyone or God. 

It is natural to feel lonely or hurt because we are disappointed with where we are in life sometimes.  God always has His arms open wide.  Even if we don't always feel it, God is always by our side in our toughest struggles.

I went running the other night still in my grumpy mood.  I had been praying for several days that God would help me get out of my funk.  I was doing my cool down walking home and saw some dirt and some gravel in the path where the city is doing some side walk and street work.  I stopped and drew a smiley face in the dirt with my tennis shoe randomly, don't know really why.  Then it was almost like God just whispered in my ear "That's my girl!"

I know it is simple and may even seem a little silly.  But I really believe God takes little moments like these to whisper words of love to us and speak to our hearts when sometimes no one else can. In that moment I felt like all the barriers were removed and I could run to His arms again. Made me feel like the picture, safe in His arms. 

Really awesome reminder, and I've needed a lot lately. But the burden is lifting, and things are getting better. Nothing has really changing in my life, but my perspective changed.  My God fights for me and gives me just the right reminders at just the right times to help me keep my hope and faith in the darkness. 

We are always welcome in God's arms and presence even when we are feeling totally grumpy or down. 

  • Romans 8:38-39 : "For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers,
     neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." NIV
Nothing can separate us! So no matter what state we are in  we can always look to Him and run into His arms of Love.  


Monday, September 1, 2014


Here is another pic from my vacation.  :) Beautiful town next to the lake and mountains! Sorry for my feet in the corner :)  I kind of got on this habit of taking pics of my feet on vacation. I don't know whether it is because it gives a sense of someone relaxing in this beautiful view or if it is me trying to convince myself that I belong here in this landscape.

This trip was so fun! I enjoyed the time with my friend immensely! Looking at this picture is wonderful, but also speaks to me a little about my sense of belonging.

I know it may not be the perfect thing to say, but I really struggle with a sense of belonging.  And as a single this can get more acute with age.  As friends find spouses, have kids, and move forward to different stages in their lives, it can feel like that sense of belonging melts away.  With my family still at odds with each other, for me, this intensifies this feeling.

Sometimes, I feel I am always the one looking in on others lives.  Like I'm looking in windows at Christmas time. Everyone is inside enjoying the warmth and connection with belonging, and I am stuck outside.  I'm invited in sometimes, but I still don't live there, I still have to walk home in the cold.

Yes, yes... that was very sad and full of self pity.  I promised to be honest.  I do feel this way sometimes.  I have my days where I feel good and it doesn't bother me and days where it really gets me down.  I wouldn't be human if I didn't feel some struggle and sadness in this sinful world.  I am finding more connection here and there and God blesses. But it is still a part of being single that can really hurt sometimes.

Coming back from such a great trip, where I'm with my dearest friend, that is like a sister to me, I always have a little after vacation blues.  We have such a great time and she feels like family.  For that space and time, I belong.  Then reality of life sets in and I'm thrust back out into the cold breezes of the trials in my life and its hard not to get stuck feeling sorry for myself.

The thing is, I know my loving God. He sees my pain and knows what it is like to be alone, and rejected even by His own people. In the book of Mark right after He calls the 12 disciples, His family comes to take Him away and says He is crazy.  And in Luke 4, His town and His church/synagogue rejects Him and wants to kill Him. Then even His disciples the night before His arrest can't even stay awake in His time of need and proceed the next day to scatter and deny Him.

No I am by no means Jesus, I'm just saying, He understands way more than I give Him credit for.  In fact, compared to Him, I have it pretty good.  I'm not condemned for feeling bad sometimes, God understands, and He gives us what we need to make it through.  It may not be in the way we want, but He always makes a way for us to find comfort in Him.

This pain helps me see others in the same boat and draws me to reach out and hopeful encourage someone else dealing with the same feelings.  This pain helps me seek God more with all my heart and lean on Him. It allows Him to pour is love out into my heart to heal me and in turn pour that love out to others.

This weekend has been hard, and a little lonely, my family is out doing their own things this weekend.  But one of my friends a few nights ago spontaneously wanted to go to dinner with me, church member wanted to pray with me, and I got to talk to my sweet friend from overseas who greatly loves and encourages me in this single walk I have been given in this time of my life.  She loves me even when I sit and cry through half our skype time. :)

So yeah, I struggle to feel like I belong, but it gets easier as I let God in and look to Him to define my life.  He has given me so many beautiful people and things in my life to be thankful for.  The devil wants me to get stuck believing I'm no good and I don't belong.  But God reminds me through my friends and His word, that I do belong in His family, He has a plan for me, and He sees my pain.

  • 1 John 3:1 : " See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! ..." NIV
  • Hebrew 4:15-16 : " For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are —yet he did not sin. Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need" NIV
  • Jeremiah 29: 11-13: " For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart" NIV
This is the truth I focus on, in and through my tears.  I will in the power of my loving God, look the devil in the face and say "Get behind me, I am a child of God, I will not believe your lies!" And peace washes over.

Take hope my single friends! We are not forgotten! Even though the road is not easy and it is really hard sometimes.  God see's our pain and reminds us He loves and has a plan for us.  Don't give in to believing  you are worthless and left behind.  Each one of us is worth one whole Jesus! We are His kids and He will help each one of us in our time of need if we just keep our eyes on Him.  

So maybe my shoes do belong in the picture :) and yours too! Hugs