Saturday, June 21, 2014

Rest in His Goodness

I was at a loss at what to write today and God said Goodness.  I'm sure most of you know the word and have a good idea of its meaning but I looked it up.  This is the definition.


[good-nis] noun
1. the state or quality of being good.
2. moral excellence; virtue.
3. kindly feeling; kindness; generosity.
4. excellence of quality: goodness of workmanship.
5. the best part of anything; essence; strength.
The last one is probably my favorite.  
For me since, this transformation in my heart, goodness is everything from God. Everything good that happens is of God.  
  • James 1:17 says: " Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows."NIV
 Once I decided to look at all the good things in life and know that it was God doing those things, my whole perspective changed. I began to see God working in my life and around me.  It is like I finally laid down my own warped, pop bottle, foggy glasses and dared to put on God's glasses. 
It is not that I don't see the horrible things in the world.  On the contrary,  I almost see more pain, suffering, and heart ache, but instead of feeling hopeless, I see the hope!  God's goodness and how He is trying to reach every heart and fill them with His love.  
In our heart of hearts we need to see God.  Moses felt this and asked God to show Himself to him.  
  • Exodus 33:19 tells us what God said to Moses request:   "And the Lord said, “I will cause all my goodness to pass in front of you, and I will proclaim my name, the Lord, in your presence..."
Again, I love the last one on the definition list.  Who doesn't want the best part of anything, essence, and strength? Beholding the Goodness of God we become changed!  
The sermon today was pretty good, little un-orthodox, but I thought very good.  Every denomination, tries to distinguish itself with special things, different doctrine, rules etc.  Some good and others maybe not as good. The question of the sermon was, when people hear our name, denomination or person, shouldn't the first thing that comes to their minds, God's Goodness?  We can say Love, Jesus, compassion, hope, faithfulness... etc.  Yes to all of it.  It all is under that Goodness umbrella right? I Corinthians 13 states Love is the greatest but they are all from God's Goodness. 
So as a Christians we should be known to all around us as the ones that reflect God's Goodness and #1 one on the list of God's goodness is love.  We are not perfect, but spending time with God can help despite our mistakes and weaknesses.  We can help others see His Goodness and let Him draw hearts. 
So as I take time to soak in and look for God's goodness everyday, like Gods word, my sweet nieces hugs, the beautiful day, or a co-workers kind words, all these things fill me and give me essence and strength to reflect those things back to a hurting world. It becomes a domino effect. I'm not perfect at it, I struggle, but God blesses as I behold Him.
So I didn't know what to say today, but I guess God decided.  Rest in His Goodness.  And He will give you the best part, essence, and the strength to shine it to others.  Lets be known as reflectors of Gods Goodness!

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