Greetings! I have new assignment right now for my job that is requiring longer drive and it is taking up more time than I'm used to. So apologies for lack of posts lately. One good thing about the long drives is it means I can pray more on the way to work, talk with God, and I love this. I have been longing to hear God more in my life and these long drives help because there is little else to do when you have nearly 3 hours on the road.
John 15 has been stuck in my mind lately. It is easy for me to get frustrated with where I am at in my life and feel like I'm not doing enough. I think this is why God keeps pushing John 15 into my head. It is all about abiding in Him. Just being with Jesus and letting go of everything else in our lives.
This is so hard for me and probably for many of us. I'm a people pleaser, control freak, DYI'er :) Being single for so long kinda makes you that way, but I have major genetic disposition to be this way as well along with my sinful selfish nature to boot. I seek the praise of others and get caught up in that sometimes rather than just sitting at the feet of Jesus and looking to Him for His thoughts and connection.
One of the verses that has been sticking out to me is this one, the last part of John 15:5.
- ".......apart from me you can do nothing" NIV
Do you know what a wild horse at the races will do? Probably destroy a lot of things and maybe cause some injuries. Why? Because it isn't disciplined to run the race. Oh no question it can run, but it has no idea how to do it effectively to win the race. I forget that in order to get from point A-Z there is a whole lot of other steps that need to happen. Hence the fact I think God keeps putting these verses in my face.
John 15 draws me, because I want to bare fruit, be a light for Him. But the 2 key points is that I can do NOTHING by myself....And I have to ABIDE in Him. Overall the concept is simple, but the doing it is hard. Not because God makes it hard. I make it hard! This whole thing is about choosing to look to Jesus in every moment of our day. This is literally the only thing we have... choice.
What do I mean?.... Choosing to look at Jesus in every situation and every task of the day and struggle we face. There is a spiritual battle going on around us, a fight for our heart. And the one thing we have is choice. We can choose to get caught up in what things are going on around us, the praise we seek, the things we think are right..... or we can choose to look to Jesus in everything.
This may seem a little cliche to some. And we may even think to ourselves "Of course I choose Jesus!" We may even feel we are on fire for Him and running with all our might. But are we really focused on Him or our own plans? This is definitely me more times than not. But God keeps reminding me "you can do nothing apart from me" "Abide in Me.... Look to Me... Chose Me... in every moment of the day" "I will show you every step to Z" "focus on me every minute you are with your patients" "Look to me when you get frustrated with your day" "Turn to me when your heart hurts over disappointments" "Abide and chose Me before everything."
And with all of that what does He promise us?..... Read the list in John 15. Anything you ask He will grant, you will bare much fruit, friendship, Love, and Joy complete. Everything our hearts could long for!
So I guess in my long drives with the long stretch of road a head of me, He is teaching me. He is whispering to my heart these things to choose and look to Him every moment of everyday. What a Loving Savior! He says "Quit making it so hard! Rest in me! And you will produce more fruit than you can even imagine! Just choose Me."
How is God calling your heart to abide and choose Him lately? Every minute of everyday He has things to share with us if we just choose and look to Him. What burdens would you be free of? What freedom could you find letting go of everything and just focusing on Him? Lets do it together! It's going to be amazing!
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