Do you believe in the mighty power of God? I'm not talking about just the little things in the day like all the lights turn green on your way to work. Although... those things are awesome! :) I'm talking about the big stuff like healing the sick, stopping the sun, or a small pot of soup that feeds a thousand people.
This idea of God's power has been rolling around in my head lately. I have been asking myself..."Do you really believe in the power of God?" "Like part the waters, power of God?" There is also this song on the radio that has been grabbing my attention lately.... Greater by Mercy Me. There is one line that jumps out at me every time.
"And greater is the One living inside of me
Than he who is living in the world"
Than he who is living in the world"
Now the song mainly talks about the battle to believe that God loves us and is bigger than our sin that tries to pull us down. It is a great message! It stirred up more in me the question of something greater than just our sin. I think it is easier for us as Christians to believe the message that God is greater in our internal world than our external world. I know I fall into this thinking. However, the Bible is full of story after story of how God showed His mighty power and intervened in real tangible external ways.
I think as much as it is important to remember how God works in our hearts, it is just as important to remember that God performs REAL LIFE miracles too. It is easy to think to ourselves "That was in Bible times" " Or that happens only out in the mission field".
There is so much pain in the world. Sometimes things don't seem to work out for even the truly righteous God fearing people. We start to lose faith in the mighty God we serve forgetting that He see's a bigger picture. David talks about this in Psalms when he was struggling to believe.
- Psalms 77:11-15 - " I will remember the deeds of the Lord;
yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago.
I will consider all your works
and meditate on all your mighty deeds.”
Your ways, God, are holy.
What god is as great as our God?
You are the God who performs miracles;
you display your power among the peoples.
With your mighty arm you redeemed your people,
the descendants of Jacob and Joseph" NIV
This whole chapter in Psalms is a beautiful reminder of what to do when we struggle to believe that God is more powerful than anything we are facing and can Literally move mountains, part waters, and heal anyone of His choosing.
I wonder sometimes why we don't see God's power more in our lives or in others lives? Maybe the real question is are we looking for it? Or have we become apathetic. I know I am guilty of this a thousand times over.
Now I know God isn't just some Jennie in a bottle to make all our wishes come true and we live in a sinful world. But I do believe that we miss out a lot more on God's power in our lives and all around us because we aren't looking. We forget how truly and literally powerful our God is. And some of us have given up all together asking God to do anything of real tangible nature because we struggle to believe.
What would our lives and churches look like if we really asked and believed in the greatest power ever revealed to man and the universe? What awesomeness would we see if we really with every fiber of our being believed in God's unsurpassed, supreme, matchless power? Those words also apply to His love as well.
Okay... So do you hear me? Are you listening? Do you understand the gravity of what this means?
We have the greatest Hero of the Universe who is not only on our side, but loves us with a unfathomable unfailing love, AND has the power to extinguish or bring to life a solar system with one breath!!!! He ALWAYS works for our good NO MATTER WHAT!!!!
Are we looking, asking, or believing? Lets do what David did and remember what mighty amazing things God has done AND is DOING! Lets see what looking, asking, and believing in our God can really do!
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