Monday, May 12, 2014

Not Good Enough, Be Free!

Lately, I have noticed more and more that we as women can be so hard on ourselves.  I have heard many conversations from different beautiful and strong women that openly are down on themselves.  Many times its about not feeling like they are a good enough mother, or they feel they just can't get the important things done in a day, or feel they don't add up to other co-workers.  We can be so mean to ourselves, and lets be honest we can be mean to each other too.

I have been right up there as the mean girl.  I remember sitting even in church and pointing out to my mom all the girls that did not know how to match their out fit or which girls heels were way to high and dress way too short. We have all done it to each other at one point or another.  I think mainly because, we have trouble loving ourselves.

I've been on the other side of the spectrum too, maybe even more so.  Many a day feeling never smart enough to make it through school, never good enough clinician to work with my colleagues, never pretty enough for that cute guy on the other side of the room. We are so critical of our own dress, lives, relationships those exorbitant expectations no one can live up to.

Honestly, I don't know why lately I've been noticing it more.  Maybe because, I started writing this blog, or because God just putting different glasses on me.  But I'm starting to see the pain and hear the hurt in the ones around me from young girls to grandmothers.  The devil wants us to believe we are worthless and can't do anything right. Honestly, he is half right. We can't do anything truly good of ourselves by ourselves,  HOWEVER, we are Not worthless. The catch is always in the half truth.

If you haven't figured it out yet.  I have a passion that we as women truly KNOW, not just feel, but KNOW in our hearts we are loved by God.  Why? Because it changes everything!  God loves us every minute of every day JUST AS WE ARE!  Paul puts it nicely in Romans.

Romans 5:6-8 NIV
  • "You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

Did you hear that? REALLY hear that?  I say this for everyone.  But those of you that have been in church your whole life, if I could, I would possibly yell and shake you if I needed, so you could really hear this. Wake Up Sisters!  There is a God that wants you to know you are loved, JUST AS YOU ARE! He loves you when you are yelling at your kids, slandering your neighbor, eating too much, forget to fix your hair, forget to do the last load of laundry, flip off the driver on the freeway.... YES even then He loves you.

You may spend hours and weeks beating yourself up for all the things you do, or don't do, or the things you think you should or shouldn't do.  But if we believe in God we have a way out of all this guilt and self loathing to freedom.  You wanna know? Turn your heart to Jesus every day every min if you have to sometimes! Let His forgiveness wash over you and start new.  Then freedom reigns because HE works out the good things in us, not us trying and never being good enough.  He is Good Enough, FOR US, and we are free! So Be Free Sisters Be free!

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