Monday, May 26, 2014

MORE! of Him!

In the last year and 1/2, the drive to live out my faith has gotten stronger.  I want to do something to serve others and share Jesus.  The more I contemplate these things, the more I start wondering, what does begin in the world but not of the world look like? 

I am reading Act's right now and the disciples lived a radical life 100% committed and out there.  They practiced a version of communal living sharing with each other in the group so everyone had what they needed.  They also were completely absent of a job beside preaching, healing, and speaking in tongues.  They didn't have a place of their own and a lot of times they went from town to town and stayed with someone. 

I read all this and then think, is this what all of us should do? or is this just for the people that are called to be preachers?  What should my life look like? Do I sell all I own and go to another country?  Do I give up my profession and do something missionary like? 

There is a book called Radical by David Platt.  It talks about how in America Christians have gotten comfortable with our cushy lives and lifestyles and how that has superseded our mission as true Christian's.  He talks about parts of the world where people hide and worship God in dark rooms with nothing but Bibles and flashlights, because it is illegal to gather as Christians. 

There are many other things he talks about, but it was really eye opening for me.  Made me really think about what material things I want or think I need and then compare it with what really matters in reaching others for Jesus. Am I so devoted that I would, give up my stuff, and risk everything to read my Bible in the dark with a flashlight at the risk of prison or worse?

It is hard though to know, how far do I go? Maybe it is different for all of us based on the specific plan God has for our lives.  But I do think as Christians it is important to ponder and think about what our lives should really look like.  Do we need to be the person with the house and the car with all the bells and whistles, or the lastest cell phone, or the newest clothes? Or should that money go toward something to share Jesus or show Jesus love, like sponsoring a kid in another country, or helping the neighbor get his mower fixed.

This world, especially in America, has such a motto of MORE. In a heart beat we can get so sucked into endless entertainment, shopping, eating, and many other distractions.  How do we live in the world and not be of the world lost in distraction and lost to the mission God gave us?
Jesus Prays for His disciples in John 17:15-17
  • "My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I am not of it. Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth." NIV
This gives a clue. Spending time in the Bible and time with God will help us.  For when we are born again in Christ we are not of this world, but still in the world.  It is hard sometimes to differentiate what things or activities turn us into immersing ourselves and becoming of the world.  This is something that probably doesn't have a straight list of do's and dont's but more about focusing on God in our motives and actions.

Are you stuck on the MORE train? What things in your life keep you of the world rather than focused on God and His plan in your life? Instead pouring energy into more of this world, we could focus it on MORE of Jesus :)

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