So lenses are very amazing things. They are able to take in light and show and image to the viewer. In photography, the lens makes all the difference on what you see. Things can appear totally different than what they really are. There are lenses with glass that warps an image to be really close up and the edges far away, or one that makes things close seem far away, or even with certain colors prominent.
My lens or lack of lens has been a little skewed lately. Have you had times like that? You know like you have a good friend and they seem a little distant, or a brother or a sister you are close to said something that seemed a little off, or a co-worker you normally get along great with seems to not like one of your ideas. It kinda messes with us doesn't it.
In theses situations we have choices right? Based on our experience with them and the truth we know, we can choose what we do with the things that seem not good. We choose to believe what we see on this one occasion as the truth, or we can choose to believe what we know about and have seen from the past. We can decide what lens we will look at the situation.
Now we were meant to be able to look at the world with pure clean lenses. God made man to see the world as it really is, a beautiful gift of love from our creator. But the Devil had other plans to come and distort or vision and inject sin into this world. And we all know sin as flipped this world upside down. Now what is right, SEEMS wrong, and whats wrong, SEEMS right.
The beautiful thing about God is that He gave us a lens that helps flip the image we think we see into the image it really is.
- John 3:16 - "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." NIV
So all those people you know that may have let you down sometimes or done something that didn't feel good. If you choose to look through the lens of love, that they love you, you can trust them. Then you know that even when things a little off, you can trust their love for you. You are able to still move forward in the relationship with them even when things aren't perfect.
It is the same with God! God does so much for us every day from the warm bed we sleep in at night, to the flowers outside, to fuzzy little mongrel that welcomes you when you come home from work! But besides the things we enjoy now God has given us JESUS! He gave us Jesus to show us His great and abounding love for us beyond question!!!! So even if our warm bed is taken from us, or the flowers forget to bloom, or the fuzzy mongrel is no more, that we can look to and through the Jesus and this Great Love, to know that God looks out for us and will not abandon us!
So as usual and as many of us do sometimes, I got down about life circumstances. In times like these, I lose my lens. I decide to try and look at the word and my circumstances through my own eyes and start doubting God's love for me. I get lost in the lack of a spouse or kid when all my friends have one, or in dissatisfaction with my job or family. Instead of stopping and taking the time to look through the lens of Jesus. I cry out to God and say "why is everything so messed up!!!" And God gently reminds me "Remember My Love" "Look to and through the lens of My Love, Jesus"
I was sitting in church yesterday and I was listening to the music being played for the offertory "Redeemed". The line that always touches me is "Redeemed how I love to proclaim it, HIS CHILD AND FOREVER I AM"
With that kind of love, how can we not want to look through the lens of love always! I pray for you and for me that we get better at choosing the lens of love, over any other in this world. God bless you this week! Amen!
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