Thursday, October 23, 2014

Bird House & A Plan


What do you do when your week doesn't look like its going to work out like you planned?  Do you panic? Do you get depressed and feel defeated? Do you make a bunch of calls or talk to bunch of people to try and turn the things back around to what  you think it should be?

I'm going to be completely honest..... that is usually exactly what I do most times probably in that order :)

I'm a melancholy perfectionist with at touch of OCD and ADD and probably a few other conditions thrown in there I don't know about yet. :) hehe

I can be a crazy control freak sometimes.  Lets face it a lot of us can be sometimes, when we feel like life is spinning out in a direction we did not plan.  As women, we get good at multi-tasking and predicting cause and effect to work the situation to our benefit.

This week has not turned out at all the way I planned. I am doing contract work now. So I am the person that goes all over the city to work wherever I'm needed.  This means that sometimes places don't need help and I don't have work.  Now this next to never happens, because my job is pretty high demand.  However,  this week my work schedule totally tanked. At the beginning of the week I had no jobs and I had only gotten a few hours here and there so far.

On Monday I was like "Well, maybe its a fluke day".  By the end of the day and no news from my staffing manager, I was starting to feel the panic set in. By Tuesday morning I was starting to sweat....... Then it dawned on me...... God has got my back.  This is what I'm saying all the time.

I realized there is no way I can control this situation and God may have other plans for me this week than the regular work schedule plan I'm used to. So I decided to let go and enjoy the free time I was given this week and trust that God will work things out.  By Tuesday evening my staffing manager emailed me that November is nearly full for work for me again.

So yesterday I only had 4 hour job in the morning and had the afternoon free.  Gorgeous day in low 70's the trees are turning colors, just awesome!  I get home and start cleaning out my garage, listening to some great music getting things done.  By 3:30pm my nephew comes by and wants to hang out with me as I'm cleaning up and by 4:30pm the neighbor kid comes over and we are in full woodworking swing, the three of us.

I had found in my garage a woodworking kit for kids, that I had bought 3 years ago, for building a bird house.  by 5:30pm the boys 7 & 9 had successfully made the bird house and were beaming, super proud.  What a joy!

The real thing I realized is that if I had been working, I would have missed the whole thing.  Also, I am beginning to see the neighbor boy underneath his shy exterior longs to be noticed and longs for someone to spend time with him.  His folks are split and busy, so he gets shuffled around sometimes and not as much quality time.

As I step back and look at God's plan for my week.  I am dumbfounded and totally humbled at Gods perfect plan this week.  If I had let the panic set in and worked myself into a frenzy, I would have missed out on such a beautiful thing of hanging out with these boys.  I would have missed out on how God is trying to show His love and reach into the lives of my nephew and his friend.

I know it may sound silly, but as I type this blog, tears run down my face at just the wonderful and perfect love of our God.  I so wish that I could impress on everyone's heart that reads this how truly awesome and loving our God is.
  • Isaiah 28:29 -  "All this also comes from the Lord Almighty,
    whose plan is wonderful,
    whose wisdom is magnificent" NIV
So Wonderful & Magnificent Is HE!

Be blessed today and let God be the director of your plans.  It may look like the day or week is falling apart, but don't panic, trust God,  you never know what amazing jewels you will find.  God's plan is Always better than ours.   :)

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