I have felt like an airplane in a downward spin feeling out of control. I have been trying to pull up on the controls and break this spin but not having the power or strength to save myself from this nauseating circular ride.
Sometimes all the nitty-bitty things in our lives is what start these spirals. An irritating co-worker, a mistake on a bill, someone not returning an important phone call, bad hair day, even wilty lettuce on a salad you bought just slowly eats away at our defenses.
Recently, I prayed God would grow my faith. And this week, this is a new lesson on how to truly give things up and trust. Like I've said before, I can be a little of a control freak. I struggle when things seem out of my control. Usually it is these tiny little things that can more easily get to me, it starts to make me feel like my world is starting to spiral out of control.
The reality is, it probably isn't as bad as I think, and even if it is, I serve a God that has my back. This is so hard to remember when everywhere you turn, something else seems to be going wrong.
So by mid week I was feeling like I was in a free fall, no words to say stuck and spinning. Trying to do worship very hard and feeling very disconnected.
I am beginning to realize it is times like these, I have tried to take over my life and fly the plane myself. I get under the illusion that I have it figured out and pride sets in. What is that phase they say about pride? :) Something like it comes before a fall? Hmmm kind of appropriate don't you think? :)
So I abandoned trying to read my Bible one morning and just got real with God. I told Him all my fears and why I was feeling so out of control. It was like God said to me, "You have to trust me even in the small things. I will carry you but you have to let me. " Instantly, I realized that I was not letting God in to comfort me or minister to my heart because I had taken over. I was trying to work out my "Formula" that I thought was working rather than leaning on God in Everything.
Suddenly, my heart evened out. My circumstances didn't change, but God just lifted up my heart and started carrying me. What a great comfort! Verses started coming to my head that remind us of Gods promises.
- Philippians 4:13: I can do all this through him who gives me strength. NIV
- Romans 8:28: And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. NIV
- Numbers 6: 24-26: “The Lord bless you
and keep you;
the Lord make his face shine on you
and be gracious to you;
the Lord turn his face toward you
and give you peace.”’ NIV
What are you fighting lately that has got you in a Tail Spin? Give it to God even if you can't see the answer. Trust that He will show you the way and take care of things for your good! You will be amazed at how He carries you!
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